If you’ve not already read it, I strongly recommend reading this posting by Pat Keller on the Tribe Rider Facebook page. It’s a great reminder of the need to grow your paddling abilities in line with experience, and not rush into bigger situations than you can handle. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=350583031637867&set=a.242093089153529.73955.242090492487122&type=1) It reminded me of a phase in [...]
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Why kayak? Musings on motivation
Why kayak? My wife believes that kayaking involves being uncomfortable, wet, cold and exposed to physical danger. As a result it holds absolutely no appeal to her. Fortunately she is exceptionally tolerant of my own love for the sport. So what is it that motivates me, and many others, to kayak? I first stepped into [...]
Categorized in Uncategorized, Whitewater
Tags: kayaking, Psychology
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