Nov 17 2014

What’s this all about?

Published by under Background

I’m a late 50 something and a few years ago got into paddling flat water open canoes. I loved the outdoor experiences, the friendships and the escape from the office life it provided. The first couple of years I established friendships with a group who were of a similar age group and a similar outlook. Of course we progressed from flat water to try a little moving water. Nothing serious, just slow moving local rivers which had some very small minor riffles and weirs and that’s where the addiction started.

White water. I’m addicted.

A year ago I bought an Esquif Vertige (12’10″) royalex boat outfitted with a saddle, straps and airbags. I teamed up with another paddling friend (Phil) to share the cost of some coaching. A year on and I’m now the proud owner of an Esquif L’Edge, I’m running G3/3+ and finding the jump to the new boat quite a handful.  The L’Edge is very unforgiving, it punishes me for every mistake and my confidence has taken a little bit of a hit.

So last night I decided that some of the problem was to do with my head and the way I’m approaching the step up. I bought an ebook last night ‘In the Flow’ by Jonathan Males who also writes on his blog ‘Diary of a Middle Aged Kayaker’. I’m working through the book which talks about self confidence, mastery motivation, decision making, execution and teamwork and how these affect your paddling.

In the Flow

In the book Jonathan discusses maintaining goals, aims, targets as a tool for managing  your progression. This blog will be my training journal. I’ll work out why I want to progress, what I want to achieve and the ups, downs (emotional and physical) of the journey. Some of what I write may not be the best prose, may not be the best reading. It is intended for me as a training aid but you are most welcome to follow the journey.

Happy paddling

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