Overflowing country

Author: madamax  |  Category: whitewater kayak

That was a long trip but the Young Guns team finally flew back to Mama Africa. 2 more months before they bag the journey and start editing their next opus. Can’t wait to see the film, “African revolution”.

Those guys drove me insane with the most intense behavior ever, …

Despite or with the help of very rainy weather, they managed to rack a few more new rivers.

They started driving south and paddled the upper Mania in a long day!

Waters were so high that they had to portage some sections we usually raft!…

The Ranomafana area didn’t offer great paddling and after checking out an other stream around Antsirabe, they went driving toward Majunga.

The Manankazo for 3 long days in the North West, a couple of day sections on Mamokomita and Andriantoany in the same district.

That was it for their 2008 malagasy river trip. An other great one. We might have to wait two more years to get such intense activity, …